Ms. Dolores F. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Cregger Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Schaper
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kennedy
Mr. Robert C. McNair
Founders Federal Credit Union
The Garnet Society is made up of over 600 members that have supported South Carolina Athletics above and beyond their Gamecock Club Memberships. These donors allow the athletics department to fund capital projects, scholarships, and operating expenses that are not covered through the Gamecock Club. These gifts are 100% tax deductible and typically paid out over a period of years.
Garnet Society Members
Mrs. Tami L. Scott
Mr. Doyle E. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Meredith III
Mr. Dan D. Adams
Mr. William R. Horton Jr. and Ms. Mary R. Major
Dr. Paul L. Mefferd and Mrs. Stephanie M. Braddock-Beagle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Suggs
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis R. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Victor O. Roof Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Wheat
Mr. William E. Welch and Ms. Susan A. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bignon
Mr. Scott W. Farfone and Ms. Dorothy L. Farfone
Mr. John W. Sparrow Sr.
Ms. M. Karen Fedder
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore Jr.
Dr. Charles F. Crews
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bodiford Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Heyward L. King Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mill
Mr. Eugene E. Stone III
Mr. and Mrs. Billy B. Huskey
Mr. Harold S. Russell II and Ms. Kimberly L. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Garland R. Wilkie Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fowler Sr.
The Honorable Cecil E. Floyd MD
Utili-Serve LLC
Mr. John C. Mitchell Jr.
Mr. Ethan W. Nord
Mr. Zane D. Christopher Jr. and Argentina Christopher
Mr. Samuel F. Sparrow
Mr. and Mrs. Lance A. Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Juk Jr.
Mr. Edwin S. Pearlstine Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Barnhill
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Wheeler
The Honorable Seth C. Rose and Dr. Anna C. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Baxley
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Seaton
Mr. Robert C. Stanford
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Benjy A. Hardee
Mr. and Mrs. Brent P. Skinner
Mr. Richard L. Havekost Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lott Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Miley III
Dr. Charlotte L. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hardaway
Mr. and Mrs. John Wurzburger
The Honorable and Mrs. Miles Loadholt
Mr. Charlton F. Hall Jr.
Mrs. Faye M. Jeffcoat
Mungo Companies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Collins
The Honorable Merita C. Allison
Mr. William R. Allison
Mr. Robert M. Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas I. Ostrover
Ms. Julia B. Brooker
Ernest A. Brooks Memorial Trust
Mr. Larry E. Nichols
Mr. Michael B. Shackelford
Mr. Marvin A. Hyatt Sr.
Mr. Stuart Rose
Hood Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Buster Blalock
Mr. and Mrs. William Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Lynn
Ms. Moira Burnham
Mrs. Patricia K. Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. McEntire Jr.
Mrs. Lois J. Hyatt
Mr. Nathan T. Wilbourne
Prof. Rachael B. French
Mr. Donald C. Bigby
Budweiser of Asheville, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff B. Archie
Mr. Moody G. Proffitt III
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Streetman
Mr. John S. Simmons
Dr. Martin K. Rosefield Jr.
Mr. Everette H. Newman and Ms. Beverly C. Newman
Mr. Lucian P. Stephens Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ducate Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Harold N. Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Mosack
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Willoughby
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Addy
Mr. Michael F. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Hart
Mr. William M. Hornor IV
Ms. Favana S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Littlejohn Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Oremus
Mr. Norman E. Boling Jr.
Dr. Jarrod B. Tippins
Dr. David R. Beckham Jr. and Mrs. Mitzi S. Beckham
Dr. Carl A. Sweatman Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Packer
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Q. Jernigan
Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thiago A. Pinheiro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kay
Mr. Neill M. Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Reamer B. King
Mr. James E. Knight Jr.
Mr. Jerrett L. Oates Jr.
Ms. Susan L. Hitchcock
Mr. Anthony H. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Fulmer
Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Ortner
Mr. Julian L. Caudle Jr. and Mrs. Ann R. Steadman
Mr. Brian McCloskey and Ms. Mary Woods
Dr. Vasa W. Cate
Mrs. Brenda Cate
Budweiser of Columbia
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Dowdy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Bessinger Jr.
Lexington County Gamecock Club
Mr. Russell N. Allen
Marlboro Development Team
True Pharmacy
Ms. Randi A. Berry
Dr. Daniel P. Bouknight and Dr. Anna L. Bouknight
Dick Smith Automotive Group, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Anthey H. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Hyatt Jr.
Contract Construction
Ms. Susan McAlary
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Churchich
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Muschamp
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rothenberg
Mr. Timothy L. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Savoie
Ms. Karen S. Handler
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Glenn
Ms. Elizabeth A. Phibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Coan
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Bauknight
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Swails
Prisma Health
Mr. James W. Maner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Knight
Mr. Steven L. Smith
Horry County Gamecock Club
Mr. Ernest G. Lawhorne
Delta Dental of Missouri
Mr. Patrick R. VanHuss and Dr. Susie H. VanHuss
Mr. Paul J. Mitchell
Mrs. Kathy B. Falls and Jeff Falls
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rogers Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Glenn
Mr. Joseph R. Blanchard
Mrs. Melissa W. Blanchard
Mr. Kenneth W. Branch
Mr. Shane M. Burroughs
Ms. Julia Stephens
Dr. Stanley W. McCloy and Ms. Heather Wood-McCloy
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Troutman Sr.
Mr. Nathan E. Hardwick IV
Ms. Jennifer B. McKay
Mr. R. Scott Peterson and Ms. Kathleen N. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hyatt
Echerer Painting Contractor, Inc.
Mr. Pete B. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Brown
Mr. Allen W. Timmons
Mr. Donald V. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Welch Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. Addison
Mrs. Candace D. Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Harper R. Woods III
Mr. and Mrs. Milledge S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Comer Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Peeples Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. McDonald III
F.D. Owen, Jr. Family Charitable Remainder Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keenan II
Equine Investments, LLC
Mr. Chris Quillian and Mrs. Kimberly A. Cubine
Mr. Ryan A. Floyd
Mr. James W. Dennis and Mrs. Amanda L. Dennis
Mr. Hampton L. Chandler and Mrs. Tina Chandler
Mr. Elbert L. Pooser Jr. and Ms. Jodye M. Pooser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Westbrook
Mr. Joseph N. Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D. Brune
Mr. Andre T. Goodman and Ms. Shana Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Timmons Jr.
Mr. Bobby J. Cassady
Herndon, Inc.
Mr. Willie C. Carswell Jr.
Owen Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Armond S. Groves Jr. and Ms. Jacqueline B. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Toal
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Brenan
Mr. William E. Calloway Jr.
Mr. W. David Rhodes IV
Mr. Neil J. Salvage Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randal M. Senn
Mr. and Mrs. Julian A. Reynolds Jr.
Mr. Franklin D. Clark Jr. and Ms. Dawn Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Smith
Dr. Ellie B. Mozingo
Mr. Kenneth B. Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Hill
Peacock Automotive, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. James K. O’Kelly
Mr. Darren J. Martins
Estate of Jack L. Springs Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Roland R. Craft III
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Day
Mr. H. Thorp Minister III
Mr. and Mrs. Ral Z. Smith Jr.
Ms. Caroline G. Smith
Mr. David S. Steele and Robin R. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Rogers IV
Mr. Patrick L. Tomlin and Ms. Deborah L. Tomlin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McKain
Steven A. Busch and Mrs. Laura Busch
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby A. Gordon Jr.
Mr. Boyd C. Hipp II
Mr. Ramon H. Mejia-Gomez
Mr. Michael E. Rickles
Mrs. Nancy G. Fedder
The Honorable Carroll A. Campbell Jr.
Ms. Merry N. Sharp
Mr. John L. Bunn Jr.
Mr. Thomas W. Irick
Mr. Joseph M. Vargo and Mrs. Sandy Vargo
Mr. Jared H. Rothell
Mr. Gregory J. Hughes and Mrs. Stefanie M. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. William E. DeLoache III
Mr. Gregory Owens and Mrs. Tracie L. Owens
Mr. Darius C. Rucker and Beth L. Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Richardson Jr.
Ms. Linda B. Dickerson
Dr. and Mrs. Bartlett J. Witherspoon Jr.
Banks Construction Company
Ms. Paulette G. Katzenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Glynn M. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ringer
Florence County Gamecock Club
Miss Joan E. Squires
Dr. and Mrs. H. Cooper Black III
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Easler
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael McCabe
Mr. Gerald W. Hagenmaier and Dr. Harriet G. Williams
Dr. Steven D. McKay
Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bristow III
George Rogers Foundation of the Carolinas
Mr. Shane Williams
Mr. Craig Stephens
Lynne M. Wester
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. McCausland
Ms. Carol L. Bourne
Mr. and Ms. John P. Harloe Jr., CFA
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Hamill
Mr. James W. Cogdell and Bernadette H. Cogdell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Jolly
Dr. Eduardo Sanchez and Ms. Isaida Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Patty
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fortune
Mr. Anthony A. Callander
Ethel McDuffie Overton Lea CRUT # 5027002122
Mr. Robert M. Johnson and Ms. Cynthia Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O. Spurrier
Mr. John C. Wase
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Garnett
Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Blackwood
Mr. and Mrs. Alec B. McLeod III
Dr. Bernard F. Masters III and Dr. Kimberly F. Masters
Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Crossley Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Beckner
Mr. and Mrs. Murray A. Baroody Jr.
CMC Steel South Carolina
Mr. Samuel H. Vickers and Ms. Roberta T. Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Bedenbaugh
Prysmian Power Cables and Systems USA, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Wingard
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Wheeler Jr.
Mr. James G. Middlebrooks and Ms. Carolyn C. Middlebrooks
Mr. David R. Tammen and Mrs. Denise J. Downan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Crews Jr.
Ms. Lynn C. Boyleston
Mrs. Diane C. Hazelrigg
Ms. Jessie Van Ness
Mr. Carl R. Eden and Dr. Sharon I. Eden
Mr. William P. Scurry Sr. and Mrs. Gail Scurry
Mr. Thomas G. Caldwell III
Mrs. Lana E. Fortson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Speight Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Buxton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Tourville
Top Box
Ms. Julie P. Cates
Mr. and Mrs. James Babcock
Mr. Robert K. Fortson
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Canaday Jr.
SWS Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Horton Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Tanner CFP
Falcon Express Services, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Waters III
Mr. Stephen M. Scott and Mrs. Amy Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Kippy D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Murphy
Mr. Robert A. Miller Jr. and Dr. Anne-Courtney Miller
University of South Carolina Alumni Association
South State Bank
Mr. Bailey A. Crump and Ms. Elizabeth S. Moise
Mr. Charles C. Elliott Jr.,P.A. and Mrs. Keely M. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Servant III
Mr. and Mrs. H. Woodrow Gooding
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Tucker
Mrs. Rose T. Wilkins
Mr. Harry B. Gregory Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B. Gregory Jr.
Mr. Christopher M. Paschal
Mr. Glen K. Boucher and Ms. Sharon E. Boucher
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Darby
The Honorable Bakari T. Sellers and Ellen Rucker-Sellers
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Smith
The Honorable and Mrs. Luther J. Battiste III
Mr. James H. Byrum and Mrs. Mary E. Crum
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Long Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Babb
Mr. Frederick S. Johnston and Ms. Amy Johnston
Mr. Bruce J. Brothers and Ms. Carol L. Brothers
Dr. Thomas L. Stoughton and Ms. Susan L. Stoughton
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Merritt
Mr. William G. Roberts III
Mr. Michael W. Gregory
Mr. Taylor G. Boucher
Mr. Edward K. Pritchard III
Mr. Paul D. Carter Jr.
US Tennis Association South Carolina
Ms. Kelly S. Wietsma
The Shealy Family, LLC
Companion Associates, Inc.
Mr. J. D. Gibson
Mr. Michael Gibson
Ms. Zoe Bonnette
Bungalow One LLC
Sysco Food Services of Columbia, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Best
Mr. Marshall S. Gray
Ms. Chloe C. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie B. Rowell
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie M. Martin
Mr. Robert G. Norton and Ms. Rita E. Norton
Ferguson Enterprises
Ms. Sherry A. Joyner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan K. Brainard
The Reverend Dr. Solomon Jackson Jr.
Jim Hudson GMC
Mr. Al W. Holland and Mrs. Janice Holland
SouthState Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bonnoitt
Ms. Deborah S. Dammer
Charleston County Gamecock Club
Dr. John M. Palms
Mrs. Norma C. Palms
York County Gamecock Club
Mrs. Rebecca H. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy V. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cannon Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Raad
Mr. and Mrs. Eppy W. Human
The Honorable Michael J. Mungo
Ms. Elizabeth H. Messaglia
Mr. William J. Frehse Jr. and Mrs. Jamison Frehse
Dr. and Mrs. Rhett H. Richardson
Mr. Louis S. Antonelli
Mr. Robert B. Dutton
Mr. Charles T. Dennis Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Jernigan Jr.
Tomlin & Company, Inc.
Zeus Industrial Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson
Commander HCF, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pratt
Mr. Matthew R. Farrell
Ms. Stephanie L. Sipple
Walker Smoak Land & Timber
Mr. Milton H. Timmerman
Dr. Michael W. Sturkie Jr. and Ms. Stephanie B. Sturkie
Herndon Chevrolet
Mr. Edward W. Mungo
W. O. Blackstone & Company, Incorporated
Mr. Paul A. Reardon and Mrs. Ashley P. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Nix
The Reverend Greg S. Middleton and The Reverend Evelyn C. Middleton
Baker Roofing
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bocrie Jr.
Mr. Matthew E. Schreiber
Mr. Robert E. Wilder Jr. and Ms. Charlene M. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. M. David Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Alan R. Koornick
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Yaun
Dr. Ronald W. Prestage and Dr. Cindi Prestage
Ms. Marva A. Smalls
Lancaster County Gamecock Club
John P. Salamone Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Wise
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kimball Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Somogyi
Mr. Christopher B. Mise
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Boling
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Scruggs III
Mrs. Julianne M. Mise
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McDougald III
Mr. John T. Foreman III
Mr. Long Huynh-Duc
Bev Smith Softball LLC
Collins Brothers Properties
Mr. Marcus A. Weeks
Mr. Stephen H. Cook
Mr. John F. Logue and Dr. Carolyn A. West
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Singh
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Marion J. Murphy
Mrs. Catherine Ballew
Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Bingham Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mendel J. Bell
Capital Waste Services
The Honorable and Mrs. George M. Smith Jr.
Black Crest Farms
Ms. Angela C. Poplin
Poplin Family Trust
Mr. W. D. Rhodes III
The Coca-Cola Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett W. Lorick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Elliott
Dr. Francis S. Hane Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Whitehead III
Mr. and Mrs. Preston R. Burch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Taylor Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Christopher
BB&T Boyle Vaughan/Insurance
Mr. Thomas D. Gainey Jr. and Ms. Erin Gainey
Wright-Gray Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Taylor
Ms. Stephanie V. Sturkie
Dr. and Mrs. Perry S. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Randy H. Morgan
Mr. Owen V. Watts III
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Frew
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Robinson
Mr. Charles E. Hunter and Mrs. Melissa H. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Hendrix
Mr. Michael C. Genau Sr. and Ms. Sandra K. Genau
Mr. Jay M. Brigman and Ms. Amanda Brigman
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Botkin Jr.
Mr. Jason K. Tompkins and Ms. Kristen Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Robinson
Mr. Davison D. Woods and Ms. Angela W. Woods
Mr. Graeme C. Moore and Mr. Kenneth J. Drafts
Ms. Kelly L. Ellisor
Mr. Eugene P. Edwards
Mr. R. Jason Caskey
Mrs. Heather F. Smith
Ms. Ellen J. Abbott
Key Insurance Consultants, Inc.
Waste Management
UCI Medical Affiliates of SC, Inc.
Companion Life Company
Carolina Property Services Inc
Mrs. Harriett P. Coker
Ms. Anonymous 0. Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. D Ray Tanner Jr
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Landreth
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Mr. Jimmy Dunn and Ms. Brannan Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brock
Mr. Tyler B. Dunlap Jr.
Carolina Gas Transmission Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Maull Sr.
Mid-State Masonry
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Tobias Jr.
Ms. Helen W. DuBose
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nash
Cherokee County Gamecock Club
Mr. Thomas K. Dunn and Mrs. Sally P. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Smith III
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Locke
Mr. and Mrs. Guy De Jane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Cottingham Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Poulin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson
Mr. Jose Salibi Neto
Mr. Rhett W. Ingram IV
Beaufort Gamecock Club
Mr. John M. Faulkner
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Mr. Frederick M. Zeigler
Mr. Jeremy A. Long
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith
Mr. Curtis A. Tyner Sr. and Ms. Marsha H. Tyner
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Martin
Mr. Christian P. Bassily and Mrs. Erin E. Bassily
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Cate
Ms. Robbin T. Moss
Mr. Louis L. Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. John Giannelli
Mr. Jule G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Parks A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnson III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Talbert
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Beasley
Mr. L. L. Johnson
Mr. Robert L. Sumwalt Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R. Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Schmieding
Mr. Marvin L. McCrory
Mr. Thomas L. Taylor Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Jones
Mr. Jon D. Harkleroad
Mr. David L. Myers and Ms. Leigh Myers
Mr. Wade E. Moose and Ms. Donna T. Moose
Mr. Eric Callahan
Mr. Graham E. Kauffman
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Dean Jr.
Ms. Ann E. Pasky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Baggett Jr.
Mr. John B. Coleman
Mrs. Amy Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilson
Mr. Jonathan C. Wynkoop Jr. and Ms. Jessica A. Wynkoop
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mixson
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Brown Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Parker
Mr. William D. Blackmon and Mrs. Courtney C. Blackmon
Mr. Jonathan H. Burnett and Mrs. Jimena Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Wells W. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Bryon P. Jeffcoat
Mr. James S. McLendon and Mrs. Amanda McLendon
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman H. Haigler
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Sossamon Jr.
Mr. Simeon G. Eaves Jr. and Ms. Mary E. Eaves
Mr. James C. Tennyson and Ms. Cynthia R. Tennyson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Calliham
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Eaves
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Goodman
Dr. Stephen C. Youmans and Allison M. Youmans
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Blackmon Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Catalano
Mr. Joe Miles and Ms. Natalie Miles
Ms. Heather M. Cannon
Mr. Michael S. Peek
Mr. Curtis W. Pennington III
Dr. Ronald S. Wilson
Mr. Grayson Greiner
Mr. Robert C. Cahaly
Mr. Timothy S. Rice
Ms. Cynthia B. Bradshaw
Ms. Vicki J. Middlebrooks
Mr. Thomas R. Jones
Mr. Thomas A. Trivellin II
Ms. Jackie B. Montgomery
Southern Design Services, Inc.
Mr. Marcus Potter
Ms. Victoria K. Griffin
Mr. Michael W. Massey
Ms. Cynthia Harton
Michael Dyson
John Landolfi
Matthew Middlebrooks
The donors listed below have provided for Gamecock Athletics in their estate plans.
William R. Allison
Luther J. Battiste
Donald C. Bigby
Allison and Donald Bodiford
Favana S. Brown
Sarena D. Burch
Anthony A. Callander
Carroll A. Campbell
Vasa W. Cate
Julian L. Caudle
Brian L. Coan
Kenneth R. Copeland
Charles F. Crews
Neil F. Crossley
Linda B. Dickerson
Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
Samuel and Lauren Dowdy
John R. Ducate
Patricia and Harold Eddy
Ernest A. Brooks Memorial Trust
Martha K. Fedder
Robert B. Fowler
Bobby A. Gordon
Charlton F. Hall
Boyd C. Hipp
Susan L. Hitchcock
Charles E. Holliday
William M. Hornor
Marvin A. Hyatt
Stephen S. Juk
James E. Knight
David K. Knight
Ernest G. Lawhorne
Karen and Russ Lloyd
Phillip T. Lynn
Estate of James W. Maner, Jr
Doyle E. McBride
Brian D. McGuire
Paul Mefferd and Stephanie Braddock-Beagle
William S. Mill
H. T. Minister
Robbin T. Moss
Larry E. Nichols
Leon M. Ortner
Michael S. Peek
Elizabeth A. Phibbs
Moody G. Proffitt
Joseph F. Rice
David J. Rogers
Randal M. Senn
Michael B. Shackelford
William N. Smith
John C. Smith
Milledge S. Smith
Jule G. Smith
Jack L. Springs
Joan E. Squires
Linda and William Stern
Thomas E. Suggs
Carl A. Sweatman
John C. Troutman
Patrick and Susie VanHuss
Kellah and Howard Webster
Michael G. Westbrook
Lynne M. Wester
Garland R. Wilkie
Charles M. Willoughby
Martin W. Wingard
Carolina Committed
35 Million Goal Met!
The Carolina Committed Campaign has raised over $35,000,000 to invest into facilities and resources for each of our 21 sports programs through capital resources derived from donations to the athletics department.
- Williams-Brice Stadium ribbon boards and improved sound system
- Indoor Track upgrades such as graphics, lighting, sound system
- Blatt Improvements including graphics, aesthetic enhancements, sound system
- Supporting and developing programs designed to educate our student-athletes on the intricacies of Name Image Likeness
Available Naming Opportunity Locations
- Williams-Brice Stadium
- Long Family Football Operations Center
- Rice Football Campus
- Springs-Brooks Plaza
- Gamecock Park
- Founders Park
- Colonial Life Arena
- Carolina Coliseum
- Carolina Indoor Tennis Center
- Outdoor Tennis Facility
- One Wood Farm
- Carolina Softball Stadium
Cregger Athletics Village
- Dodie Anderson Enrichment Center
- Rice Athletics Center
- Wheeler Beach
Ways to Give
A gift of cash is the most popular way of supporting Gamecock Athletics. Gifts of cash are ordinarily tax-deductible for up to 50% of your adjusted gross income in the year of the contribution (with a five-year carryover for the excess not utilized.)
When you donate securities, you generally do not incur any capital gains tax. You also may be eligible to receive a federal income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of publicly traded securities if you have held them for at least a year and a day.
Leaving money to the University through your will or trust is the most popular estate planning option. With a provision in your will, a donor can make a significant gift that may not have been possible during his or her lifetime. It also provides valued support after annual giving ends. An estate-tax charitable deduction for the entire amount of the gift is allowed.
When the gift annuity matures, the balance provides support to the University of South Carolina Educational Foundation. In exchange for a gift of property, marketable securities, or cash, the Foundation will contractually guarantee to pay you and/or another beneficiary guaranteed, fixed payments for life.
One may avoid heavy taxation of retirement funds and support Gamecock Athletics by designating the University as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401K or other retirement vehicle. Since these funds have not been taxed, these assets may be the best resource to designate for charitable purposes. Lifetime transfers from IRAs or Roth IRAs are possible for donors who are 70 1/2 years or older.
One may create a trust agreement in which you can transfer assets and retain income. When the payment period ends, the University of South Carolina Educational Foundation receives a gift. Funding the trust with long-term appreciated assets generates no capital gains tax liability on the transfer.
Name Image Likeness Education
The University of South Carolina Athletics Department will provide student-athletes with a best-in class offering of educational resources in the Name, Image, Likeness space. In conjunction with Gamecock CEO staff, student-athletes will receive targeted education regarding various facets of NIL including brand awareness, financial literacy, and social media training.
Gamecock Athletics believe in the wide ranging impact of NIL and will continue to invest in resources to assist student-athletes in all facets of their life.
The Women of South Carolina
Our mission is to provide the best possible female student-athlete experience. The more we invest in our women, the more successful they can become.
- (S)HERO- She is Honorable, Empowering, Resilient, and Owns It: a forum where female student-athletes can effectively and proactively support each other
- Professional development seminars demonstrate how to prepare for the work environment
- Provide the opportunity for female student-athletes to attend national conferences such as Women Leaders, Black SA Summit or NCAA Diversity and Inclusion Conference
- Partner with LEARFIELD and send students to various networking opportunities across the country
Beyond Sports
The Beyond Sports Professional Development & Internship Program provides meaningful experiences for student-athletes across varying disciplines by facilitating professional development programming, in conjunction with paid internships, in order to best prepare Gamecocks for life beyond college.
- Interview experience with feedback from community partners
- Provide student-athletes with meaningful work experience in a professional setting in his/her area of professional interest
- Enhance student-athletes’ resume
- Teach student-athletes how to build a professional network
- Student-athlete scholarships
- Expand student-athlete references beyond professors and coaches
- Help student-athletes prepare for life beyond college
Gamecock CEO
The Gamecock CEO experience empowers student-athletes to become the CEO of their lives by providing the resources to educate, inspire and holistically develop student-athletes as they transition into college and in preparation for life after graduation.
- Professional Development
Gamecock athletes hone in on tangible and intangible skills that will enhance employability and success beyond Carolina - Personal Development
Student-athletes will grow through self-identity, awareness, relationship building and independent, autonomous decision making for life after UofSC - Leadership Development
Developing the next generation of leaders both on and off the field of play - Service
A continuing commitment by Gamecock student-athletes to respond with both time and effort to the needs of their local communities and beyond